My Dorothy Perkins order (featured in my last post) arrived safe & sound - also including these, which I didn't show you before:

These Uttam London rosette dresses were both in the sale too, at £10 each. There was a pretty aqua colour too that I was tempted by, but it was out of stock in my size - lucky really!
There's so many sales at the moment - it's not a good time for my poor bank balance..! That & the fact I still haven't been paid for the extra hours I've been doing since bloody February, doesn't help. I was assured it'd be in this month's pay cheque.. which obviously wasn't the case. Oh well, it'll be a bonus next month, right in time for the Summer holidays, so I'll look on the bright side!
I've been having a sort of streak of good luck recently.. (wish it'd transfer to more areas of my life!) - but I won the Wonderland prize on Gem Fatale's blog - - very exciting! Check it out:

So, I can't wait to receive that! My favourite thing has got to be the teacup ring, it's just amazing :) My kids at school will definitely be impressed with that baby!
Going back to shopping - does anyone have/know of any current free delivery codes, or discount codes for either Miss Selfridges, New Look or Dorothy Perkins..? Please please please let me know if you have! & yes, I know I've just received an order from DPs.. but check out this bag:

It's imperative that this bag finds its way into my life.. Seriously. But I need a free delivery code!
There's also this one, that I did see whilst I was making my order the other day:

Which I also really like, but I managed to resist it & I'm kinda ok with that decision. It's that first one that's got to me - it has to be mine!
& yeah, Miss Selfridge, purely because of their sale jewellery - they've got a few bits I want rather a lot.. like these for example:

They're only £2. I'd wear them as a brooch, as I don't have my ears pierced!

These rings would definitely like to become part of my collection.. I'd be doing them a favour really..
So yeah, there's a couple of things I want.. but when the most expensive is £3 - it's not really worth the delivery charge - know what I mean!?
Yeah, & I'm on the quest for a New Look code of some sort, as I've seen some sandals that I have fallen in love with.. but again, a decent price for a pair of sandals, becomes not so decent when you add nearly a fiver for delivery!
I know, I know, I'm cheap! What can I say!?
So if anyone can help me with any of these missions, I'd be very grateful :)
I definitely am going to do a blog sale at some point in the semi-near future. I have got so much stuff, it's really ridiculous. I've got lots & lots of brand new with tags items, that deserve to go to a more appreciative home! So that's something I'm going to definitly organise. I may well wait until the Summer holidays though.. I think there's 4 weeks left of school, then I have 5 weeks off. That way I'll have time to do it properly (I hope) & get things posted off etc. Good idea?
Right, I'm going to go now - I shall leave you with this - it certainly rang a bell for me, so I thought some of you would appreciate it too :)

Good ol' Edward Monkton :)
Take care,