So, as always, I've been buying stuff. Yes, I know, I have a problem..
I'm going to share with you just a tiny proportion of what I've bought recently. Mainly because I haven't had chance to take photos of the majority of it..
I had a big Primark trip last week.. Bought quite a lot, but the most expensive item I bought was £5, so definitely got my money's worth!
That £5 item was this:

Love it. Totally got a thing for polka dots at the moment.
One of my other favourite items from that shopping trip was this:

Yeah yeah, we've all got a million & one lace things.. It's old hat. However, for £2 I couldn't resist it. And I actually love it. I'm planning on wearing it over the top of my grey tshirt maxi dress. What do you think? Actually, I'm planning on wearing it with lots of things, but that's the main one I have in mind.
I also picked up this baby:

Again, yes I know, everyone has it. Yes I'm jumping on the bandwagon. But, oh well! If you've read my blog before, you'll most likely be aware of my obsession with rings, so therefore I feel quite justified in having to get this when I saw it, even if everyone else already has it!
Ok, so seeing as I appear to have moved onto rings.. I got these pretty packages in the post this week too:

They contained...

Apologies for the pic - could not for the life of me get a decent pic of this one, dunno why!

And probably my favourite of today's bunch:

Love :)
Now, this may seem like a random recommendation, but I suggest you all go & check out Yes, I did say Tesco!
I placed a rather large order from them very late Saturday night. It arrived yesterday morning, & I gotta say, I'm very impressed! All the items I chose were sale items, & man did I get some bargains!
Definitely worth looking if you've got children too (or nieces/nephews/cousins/brothers/sisters/friends children etc) - I got LOADS of great stuff for my nephew. Going to put most of it away for Christmas though, because I'm trying to be sensible..!
I haven't taken pics of any of what I bought yet (haven't even tried them on yet actually) - but here's a couple of pics I've nabbed from the site:

Good stuff hey?!
I googled before I ordered & managed to find a 10% discount code - so what were already serious bargains were even cheaper!
* Studded shoes: £4.50
* Longline tunic: £2.70
* Spotty shorts: £5.40
* Cut out shoes: £4.50
How ridiculously cheap is that!? I'm sure you can see now why I ended up with a huge order.. and I could've bought LOADS more! And I got free delivery (because I spent so bloody much!)
Anyway, I'm going to stop babbling about Tesco now. I just really wanted to share that little tip with you - let me know if you do check it out, I'd love to hear if you order anything - purely because I'm nosy!
Right, going to leave it there. Gone on long enough I think!
Take care,